Cholochitro Jatra (A Journey in Film), Editor. Kothaprakash Publishers (Dhaka), revised & updated 2nd edition, August 2021.
Cholochitra Kotha (Speaking of Film), Editor. Anthology of speeches and interviews of Tareque Masud. Kotha Prokash. December 2019.
Cholochitra Lekha (Collected Scripts and Songs), Editor. Anthology of Scripts by Tareque Masud & Catherine Masud, and Songs written by Tareque Masud. Prothoma Publishers, December 2013.
Tareque Masud: Life & Dreams, Editor. Bilingual publication (English-Bengali) on the life of the late filmmaker. Prothoma Publishers & British Council, June 2012.
Cholochitro Jatra (A Journey in Film), Editor. Collection of writings on cinema by Tareque Masud. Prothoma Publishers, February 2012.

The Armenian Memory Project: The Power of Personal Archives in Witnessing, Teaching, and Visual Storytelling, co-authored with Armen T. Marsoobian, 2023. Published in the Journal of Human Rights Practice.
Film Policy in Bangladesh: The Road to Reform, in Forum Magazine (BD), overview of film industry crisis and potential solutions, Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2011.
The Making of Muktir Gaan, in Forum Magazine (BD), Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2008.
Cinema and Identity, Jamini Arts Quarterly (BD), March 2009. (Guest Editor of this issue).
Of Seasons and Soil, Jamini International Arts Quarterly (BD), on making of Matir Moina, August 2003.
The Adolescent City, Jamini International Arts Quarterly (BD), on Dhaka urban landscape, November 2003.
Escape from Bollywood, The Guardian (UK), on Bangladesh parallel cinema, July 2003.
Cinema and National Memory in Bangladesh, Vertigo (UK), an analysis of representations of national identity in Bangladeshi film, Vol. 2, No. 5, Summer 2003.
Others: Articles on various film-related themes for Bangladesh daily newspapers including The Daily Star, New Age and Prothom Alo

Bangladesh Cinema and National Identity, by Z.R. Raju. Routledge Press (2014).
Gendered Embodiments: Mapping the Body-Politic of the Raped Woman and the Nation in Bangladesh, by Nayanika Mookherjee. Feminist Review, vol. 88, pp. 36-53 (April 2008).
Interpretive Framework in Muktir Gaan (Song of Freedom, 1995): (Re)vision of History and Gender, by Fahmida Akhter. South Asian Popular Culture, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pp. 227-246 (2019).
Madrasa and Muslim Identity on Screen, by Z.R. Raju. Chapter 8 in Madrasas in South Asia: Teaching Terror?, ed. Jamal Malik, pp. 125-141, Routledge (2007).
Mobilising Images: Encounters of ‘Forced’ Migrants and the Bangladesh War of 1971, by Nayanika Mookherjee, in Mobilities, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 399-414 (2011).
Muktir Gaan, the Raped Woman, and the Migrant Identities of the Bangladesh War, by Nayanika Mookherjee, chapter in Gender, Conflict, and Migration (ed. N.C. Behara), pp. 72-96, Sage Publishers (2006).
Negotiating Identity: Islam in the Films of Tareque and Catherine Masud, by Anis Pervez. Chapter 9 in Bangladesh’s Changing Media Landscape: From State Control to Market Forces, pp. 151-174. London, Intellect Ltd (2014).
Simulation at War’s End: A “Documentary” in the Field of Evidence Quest, by Naeem Mohaiemen. Bioscope, vol. 7 issue.1, pp. 31-57 (May 2016).
The Clay Bird: Identity Construction of Bengali Muslims on the Screen, by Fahmidul Haque. Bangladesh Film Archive Journal, Vol. 3, no. 3 (2010).
The Role of Music and Art in Tareque and Catherine Masud’s Muktir Gaan (Song of Freedom), by Rehnuma Sazzad. Kinema: A Journal for Film and Audiovisual Media, No. 39, pp. 57-75 (2013).